/** * ServletForm - Container for Components used by a Servlet Application * * Copyright (c) 2002 * Marty Phelan, All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ package com.taursys.servlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import com.taursys.dom.AbstractWriter; import com.taursys.dom.DocumentAdapter; import com.taursys.dom.XMLWriter; import com.taursys.dom.DOM_1_20000929_DocumentAdapter; import com.taursys.xml.event.*; import com.taursys.servlet.respond.Responder; import com.taursys.servlet.respond.HTMLResponder; import com.taursys.debug.Debug; import com.taursys.xml.Container; import com.taursys.xml.Form; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Collections; /** * ServletForm is the base container invoked used by Servlet application. * It contains all the components that make up the form. The ServletForm * is responsible for servicing requests which are routed to it by the * ServletApp. * <p> * Your servlet forms will typically extend this base class. The ServletForm * provides a default processing cycle within the <code>doGet</code> method. * <p> * The ServletForm is composed of many subcomponents to support the processing * of the request: ParameterDispatcher, InputDispatcher, * RenderDispatcher, TriggerDispatcher, DocumentAdapter and Responder. * <p> * You must supply this ServletForm with a DOM Document. There are a variety * of ways you can achieve this: 1) use a DOM parser such as Xerces, 2) use * a DOM compiler such as Enhydra's XMLC, 3) build the DOM programatically. * <p> * The Document is normally created and attached to this ServletForm in the * <code>initForm</code> method. This method is normally only called once when * the ServletForm is first invoked. Below is an example using the Xerces * parser: * <pre> * protected void initForm() throws Exception { * super.initForm(); * DOMParser parser = new DOMParser(); * InputSource is = * new InputSource(getClass().getResourceAsStream("MyPage.html")); * parser.parse(is); * this.setDocument(parser.getDocument()); * } * </pre> * In typical applications, you will add Components to this ServletForm and * set their properties to bind to the DOM Document elements, http request * parameters, and value objects. These components are capable of modifying the * DOM Document, storing and retrieving value from bound objects, and reading * parameters from the http request, and parsing/converting between text values * and java data types. This ServletForm is the base container for these * components and contains dispatchers which dispatch events to the components. * This ServletForm generates the events within the <code>doGet</code> method * in a fixed sequence (see javadoc for doGet). * <p> * The below example creates a HTMLInputText component which binds to an HTML * form input text field. It also binds to the lastName property of a Java * value object class. * <pre> * public class MyPage extends ServletForm { * HTMLInputText lastName = new HTMLInputText(); * VOValueHolder person = new VOValueHolder(); * * public MyPage() { * lastName.setPropertyName("lastName"); * lastName.setValueHolder(person); * lastName.setId("lastName"); * this.add(lastName); * } * ... * protected void openForm() throws Exception { * // Retrieve or create the value object * Person personVO = new Person(1629, "Pulaski", "Katherine", null); * // Bind value object to person ValueHolder * person.setValueObject(personVO); * } * </pre> * There are many components you can use in a ServletForm. These include: * Parameter, Template, TextField, Trigger, Button, HTMLAnchorURL, * HTMLCheckBox, HTMLInputText, HTMLSelect, HTMLTextArea, and others. * <p> * You can control the response of this ServletForm by changing the Responder * subcomponent at runtime. The default Responder is an HTMLResponder which * sends the DOM Document as the response. * <p> * The ServletForm is a reusable object. The ServletApp (master servlet) will * normally recycle ServletForms for an application unless their * <code>recycle</code> method returns false. The recycle method dispatches * a RecycleEvent to all components. * <p> * The ServletForm also supports multipart type requests. A multipart request * is sent by the browser when form data contains 1 or more uploaded files. * To support this feature, if the incoming request has a content type of * "multipart/form-data", the request is wrapped in another request object * which is capable of processing multipart requests. The wrapper request is * created via the createRequestWrapper method. By default, createRequestWrapper * returns a HttpMultiPartServletRequest object which has a maximum file size * of 1 megabyte and maximum single line size of 4,096 bytes. You can change * this by overriding the createRequestWrapper method: * <pre> * protected HttpServletRequest createRequestWrapper(HttpServletRequest rq) * throws Exception { * HttpMultiPartServletRequest multi = new HttpMultiPartServletRequest(rq); * // set maximum sizes if defaults if needed * multi.setMaxFileSize(2048); * multi.setMaxLineLength(80); * // parse the request * multi.parseRequest(); * return multi; * } * </pre> * @see HttpMultiPartServletRequest */ public class ServletForm extends Form { private HttpServletRequest request; private HttpServletResponse response; private boolean enableInput = true; private boolean enableActions = true; private com.taursys.servlet.respond.Responder responder; // ************************************************************************ // Constructors and Recycle Method // ************************************************************************ /** * Creates new servlet form and default dispatchers. */ public ServletForm() { setResponder(createDefaultResponder()); } /** * Dispatches a RecycleEvent to all components and returns true if successful. * If an exception occurs during recycling, it is logged using Debug and * this method returns false. * If the form cannot be reused, override this method and return false. * Override this method to provide custom behavior to recycle this form * for future re-use. */ public boolean recycle() { try { ((RecycleDispatcher)getDispatcher(RecycleEvent.class.getName())).dispatch(); return true; } catch (RecycleException ex) { com.taursys.debug.Debug.error("Problem during recycling",ex); return false; } } // ************************************************************************ // Primary Method for Processing Request // ************************************************************************ /** * This method is invoked by the application servlet to service the request. * It is invoked by the ServletApp for all request types (GET, POST, etc). * This method invokes a series of other support methods in a specific sequence: * <ul> * <li>saves request and response in properties (available using getRequest * and getResponse) * </li> * <li>initForm (only invoked if isInitialized is false) * </li> * <li>If this is a multipart type request, uses the request wrapper returned * by createRequestWrapper in place of the original request * </li> * <li>initializes the parameterMap property with parameters contained in the * request using the createParameterMap method. * </li> * <li>dispatchInitContext is invoked which dispatches an InitContextEvent * to any nested forms * </li> * <li>dispatchInitForm is invoked which dispatches an InitFormEvent * to any nested forms * </li> * <li>dispatchParameters is invoked * </li> * <li>openForm is invoked * </li> * <li>dispatchOpenForm is invoked which dispatches an OpenFormEvent * to any nested forms * </li> * <li>if enableInput flag is true, dispatchInput is invoked * </li> * <li>if enableActions flag is true, dispatchActions is invoked * </li> * <li>sendResponse is invoked * </li> * <li>dispatchCloseForm is invoked which dispatches an CloseFormEvent * to any nested forms * </li> * <li>closeForm is invoked * </li> * </ul> * If an exception is generated by any of these methods, the handleException * method is invoked. It can either handle the exception and send the * response, or it can rethrow the exception and let the application servlet * handle it (latter is default behavior). * @param req the incoming HttpServletRequest * @param resp the outgoing HttpServletResponse * @throws Exception if problem during processing the request */ public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws Exception { try { response = resp; request = req; if (!isInitialized()) initForm(); if (req.getContentType() != null && req.getContentType().startsWith( HttpMultiPartServletRequest.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA)) { request = createRequestWrapper(req); } setParameterMap(createParameterMap()); // dispatch initialization to nested forms dispatchInitContext(); dispatchInitForm(); // Begin processing dispatchParameters(); openForm(); dispatchOpenForm(); if (enableInput) { dispatchInput(); } if (enableActions) { dispatchActions(); } sendResponse(); } catch (Exception ex) { handleException(ex); } finally { dispatchCloseForm(); closeForm(); } } // ************************************************************************ // Request Processing Support Methods // ************************************************************************ /** * This method is invoked by run to dispatch the formContext to nested Forms. * This method depends on the request, response, and parameterMap properties * being set. A new context is constructed which contains everything already * in this <code>ServletForm's</code> plus the request, response and * parameterMap. */ protected void dispatchInitContext() throws Exception { HashMap newContext = new HashMap(getFormContext()); newContext.put(HttpServletRequest.class.getName(), request); newContext.put(HttpServletResponse.class.getName(), response); newContext.put(PARAMETER_MAP, getParameterMap()); getDispatcher(InitContextEvent.class.getName()).dispatch(newContext); } /** * Send the appropriate response. It is invoked by doGet following the * dispatchActions method. This method invokes the current Responder's * respond method to provide the appropriate response. * Change the Responder to provide custom response. */ protected void sendResponse() throws Exception { responder.respond(); } /** * This method is invoked whenever an exception occurs within doGet. * Override this method to provide custom exception handling behavior. * Throwing an exception will delegate the exception handling to the * caller of the doGet method. * The default behavior of this method is to simply re-throw the exception. */ protected void handleException(Exception ex) throws Exception { throw ex; } // ************************************************************************ // Subcomponent Creation Methods // ************************************************************************ /** * Creates a multipart request wrapper to service a multipart request. * By default, this implementation creates a * <code>com.taursys.servlet.HttpMultiPartServletRequest</code> and invokes * its <code>parseRequest()</code> method. * You can override this method to create and initialize your own default * request wrapper. * @param the original servlet request * @return a request wrapper to service a multipart request. * @throws Exception if problem creating or initializing request wrapper */ protected HttpServletRequest createRequestWrapper(HttpServletRequest rq) throws Exception { HttpMultiPartServletRequest multi = new HttpMultiPartServletRequest(rq); multi.parseRequest(); return multi; } /** * Creates the default Responder for this component. * This implementation creates an com.taursys.servlet.respond.HTMLResponder. * You can override this method to create your own default Responder. * @return new instance of the default Responder for this component. */ protected Responder createDefaultResponder() { return new HTMLResponder(); } /** * Create a Map of parameters contained in the request. The resulting Map * is not modifiable. The Map contains String keys for each parameter and * String[] arrays for each parameter value. This method was included to * supplement the Servlet 2.2 spec which does not provide this method in * the ServletRequest interface. * @return a Map of parameters contained in the request. */ public Map createParameterMap() { HashMap map = new HashMap(); Enumeration enum_ = request.getParameterNames(); while (enum_.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String)enum_.nextElement(); map.put(key, request.getParameterValues(key)); } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } // ======================================================================= // INIT CONTEXT EVENT METHODS // ======================================================================= /** * Processes a given InitContextEvent by setting the <code>formContext</code>, * <code>parameterMap</code>, <code>request</code> and <code>response</code> * from the given message, then dispatching an <code>InitContextEvent</code> * to the <code>Form's</code> children, and finally propagating the * <code>InitContextEvent</code> to registered listeners. * @param e the InitContextEvent to process */ protected void processInitContextEvent(InitContextEvent e) throws Exception { request = (HttpServletRequest) e.getContext().get(HttpServletRequest.class.getName()); response = (HttpServletResponse) e.getContext().get(HttpServletResponse.class.getName()); super.processInitContextEvent(e); } // ************************************************************************ // Property Accessor Methods // ************************************************************************ /** * Sets the HttpServletRequest object for this ServletForm. * This is normally only valid during the invocation of the run method. * @param newRequest the HttpServletRequest object for this ServletForm */ public void setRequest(HttpServletRequest newRequest) { request = newRequest; } /** * Gets the HttpServletRequest object for this ServletForm. * This is normally only valid during the invocation of the run method. * @return the HttpServletRequest object for this ServletForm */ public HttpServletRequest getRequest() { return request; } /** * Sets the HttpServletResponse object for this ServletForm. * This is normally only valid during the invocation of the run method. * @param newResponse the HttpServletResponse object for this ServletForm */ public void setResponse(HttpServletResponse newResponse) { response = newResponse; } /** * Gets the HttpServletResponse object for this ServletForm. * This is normally only valid during the invocation of the run method. * @return the HttpServletResponse object for this ServletForm */ public HttpServletResponse getResponse() { return response; } /** * Set enableInput flag indicating whether or not to process input. * If this flag is set, the run method will invoke the dispatchInput method * to process input parameters for components. Disable input if you are * processing a request where no input parameters are expected. This will * avoid any input being set by default values (or behavior of HTMLCheckbox). * The default value for this flag is <code>true</code>. * @param newEnableInput flag indicating whether or not to process input. */ public void setEnableInput(boolean newEnableInput) { enableInput = newEnableInput; } /** * Get enableInput flag indicating whether or not to process input. * If this flag is set, the run method will invoke the dispatchInput method * to process input parameters for components. Disable input if you are * processing a request where no input parameters are expected. This will * avoid any input being set by default values (or behavior of HTMLCheckbox). * The default value for this flag is <code>true</code>. * @return flag indicating whether or not to process input. */ public boolean isEnableInput() { return enableInput; } /** * Set enableActions flag indicating whether or not to process actions. * If this flag is set, the run method will invoke the dispatchActions method * to process action parameters for trigger components. * Disable actions if you are processing a request where no action * parameters are expected. This will avoid any actions being triggered * by default values. * The default value for this flag is <code>true</code>. * @param newEnableActions flag indicating whether or not to process actions. */ public void setEnableActions(boolean newEnableActions) { enableActions = newEnableActions; } /** * Get enableActions flag indicating whether or not to process actions. * If this flag is set, the run method will invoke the dispatchActions method * to process action parameters for trigger components. * Disable actions if you are processing a request where no action * parameters are expected. This will avoid any actions being triggered * by default values. * The default value for this flag is <code>true</code>. * @return flag indicating whether or not to process actions. */ public boolean isEnableActions() { return enableActions; } /** * Set the Responder which will provide appropriate response. * You can change the Responder during runtime to provide different * kinds of responses. A default Responder is created when this ServletForm * is created by the createDefaultResponder method. * This method also sets the Responder's servletForm property to this ServletForm. * @param newResponder the Responder which will provide appropriate response. */ public void setResponder(Responder newResponder) { responder = newResponder; responder.setServletForm(this); } /** * Get the Responder which will provide appropriate response. * You can change the Responder during runtime to provide different * kinds of responses. A default Responder is created when this ServletForm * is created by the createDefaultResponder method. * @return the Responder which will provide appropriate response. */ public Responder getResponder() { return responder; } // ************************************************************************ // Deprecated Methods and Properties // ************************************************************************ private ServletParameterDispatcher spd; private AbstractWriter xmlWriter; private ServletInputDispatcher sid; private ServletTriggerDispatcher std; /** * Creates the default AbstractWriter for this component. * This implementation creates an com.taursys.xml.XMLWriter. * You can override this method to create your own default * AbstractWriter. * @deprecated the AbstractWriter is now a subcomponent of the DocumentAdapter. * This property is no longer used and will be removed shortly. */ protected AbstractWriter createDefaultWriter() { return new XMLWriter(); } /** * Sets the AbstractWriter used by this form to render the Document to * an XML stream. * @deprecated the AbstractWriter is now a subcomponent of the DocumentAdapter. * This property is no longer used and will be removed shortly. */ public void setXmlWriter(AbstractWriter newXmlWriter) { xmlWriter = newXmlWriter; } /** * Returns the AbstractWriter used by this form to render the Document to * an XML stream. * @deprecated the AbstractWriter is now a subcomponent of the DocumentAdapter. * This property is no longer used and will be removed shortly. */ public AbstractWriter getXmlWriter() { return xmlWriter; } /** * Creates the default ServletParameterDispatcher used by this container * @deprecated this now uses the inherited ParameterDispatcher. This method * is no longer used and will be removed in a future release. */ protected ServletParameterDispatcher createDefaultServletParameterDispatcher() { return new ServletParameterDispatcher(); } /** * Creates the default ServletInputDispatcher used by this container * @deprecated this now uses the inherited InputDispatcher. This method * is no longer used and will be removed in a future release. */ protected ServletInputDispatcher createDefaultServletInputDispatcher() { return new ServletInputDispatcher(); } /** * Creates the default ServletTriggerDispatcher used by this container * @deprecated this now uses the inherited TriggerDispatcher. This method * is no longer used and will be removed in a future release. */ protected ServletTriggerDispatcher createDefaultServletTriggerDispatcher() { return new ServletTriggerDispatcher(); } /** * Sets the ServletParameterDispatcher used by this container * @deprecated this now uses the inherited ParameterDispatcher. This method * is no longer used and will be removed in a future release. */ public void setServletParameterDispatcher(ServletParameterDispatcher d) { spd = d; } /** * Returns the ServletParameterDispatcher used by this container * @deprecated this now uses the inherited ParameterDispatcher. This method * is no longer used and will be removed in a future release. */ public ServletParameterDispatcher getServletParameterDispatcher() { return spd; } /** * Sets the ServletInputDispatcher used by this container * @deprecated this now uses the inherited InputDispatcher. This method * is no longer used and will be removed in a future release. */ public void setServletInputDispatcher(ServletInputDispatcher dispatcher) { sid = dispatcher; } /** * Returns the ServletInputDispatcher used by this container * @deprecated this now uses the inherited InputDispatcher. This method * is no longer used and will be removed in a future release. */ public ServletInputDispatcher getServletInputDispatcher() { return sid; } /** * Sets the ServletTriggerDispatcher used by this container * @deprecated this now uses the inherited TriggerDispatcher. This method * is no longer used and will be removed in a future release. */ public void setServletTriggerDispatcher(ServletTriggerDispatcher newTriggerDispatcher) { std = newTriggerDispatcher; } /** * Returns the ServletTriggerDispatcher used by this container * @deprecated this now uses the inherited TriggerDispatcher. This method * is no longer used and will be removed in a future release. */ public ServletTriggerDispatcher getServletTriggerDispatcher() { return std; } }